Viewing entries tagged

Recording Roller Derby Sound Effects


Recording Roller Derby Sound Effects

We recently found ourselves working on a Roller Derby themed episode for one of our shows. As you can imagine, this episode called for an abundance of roller skating sounds to cover a wide variety of performances. With the guidance of Re-recording mixer Jacob Cook, Tess and Tim took it upon themselves to plan and execute a recording session to help build up our library and turnover some much needed roller skating sounds for the episode.


Recording Terracotta Pots


Recording Terracotta Pots

As a studio that works in a lot of children’s animation, we are always on the lookout for a good substitute for breaking glass. Recently, our supervising sound editor, Tess, took it upon herself to create our own library featuring the breakage of terracotta pots.


Welcome Kyle Stockbridge!


Welcome Kyle Stockbridge!

Meet the fresh face joining our team, our new apprentice, Kyle Stockbridge! We stole a few minutes of his time for a quick Q&A - and here’s what we learned about the newest member of our crew.


Apprentice Recording Challenge: Typewriters


Apprentice Recording Challenge: Typewriters

Recently, Boom Box Post co-owner, Jeff Shiffman brought in three different Typewriters for a recording project. We put our apprentice, Andrew Shirey up to the test to get all the sounds possible out of the multiple type writers provided. Let’s see what he was able to capture!


Introducing Andrew Shirey!


Introducing Andrew Shirey!

We recently brought on a new Boom Box Post apprentice. It is our pleasure to introduce Andrew Shirey! We had a chance to ask him a few questions to better get to know him.


Introducing Nathan Yamaguchi!


Introducing Nathan Yamaguchi!

We recently brought on a new Boom Box Post apprentice. It is our pleasure to introduce Nathan Yamaguchi! We had a chance to ask him a few questions to better get to know him.


Introducing AzMarie Livingston


Introducing AzMarie Livingston

We recently brought on a new Boom Box apprentice. It is our pleasure to introduce AzMarie Livingston! We had a chance to ask her a few questions to better get to know her. Continue reading to get to know her better.


A Look Back at the Fall 2022 Boom Box Post Apprenticeship


A Look Back at the Fall 2022 Boom Box Post Apprenticeship

For the last six months Isabel has worked as the Boom Box Post studio apprentice. She has done an absolutely stellar job, adapting to any task assigned to her. Isabel was kind enough to share some of her experiences and insights on the process for future Boom Box Post apprentices or anyone entering the sound industry for the first time.


Introducing Isabel Roney

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Introducing Isabel Roney

We recently brought on a new Boom Box apprentice. It is our pleasure to introduce Isabel Roney! We had a chance to ask her a few questions to better get to know her. Continue reading to get to know her better.

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Studio Apprentice Spotlight: Kylina Aliotti


Studio Apprentice Spotlight: Kylina Aliotti

It’s finally the day all of us at Boom Box Post have been waiting for–the relaunch of our internship program! Now an apprenticeship, we couldn’t be more excited to introduce our first apprentice post-pandemic, Kylina Aliotti!
