Robotic Creations Collection: Five Robot Personalities, Endless Possibilities
We are extremely proud to announce Boom Box Library’s latest installment of the Robotic Creations collection: Futuristic Weapons! Each library within the Robotic Creations collection contains sound effects designed to match five different robotic personalities with their own unique sonic characteristics:
Mimo, the robot buddy
Q5, the vintage robot
NGage, the exosuit
Gregory, the android
Firewall, the mech suit

Futuristic Weapons SFX Library
The Futuristic Weapons sound effects library features a wide-sweeping collection of high-tech sci-fi weapon sound effects. Each weapon sound effect has been sound designed from the ground up to match the life, characteristics, and personality of one of our five Robotic Creations robots. Because the robot personalities range from Mimo, the friendly robot buddy, to Firewall, the gigantic mech suit, the range in weapons is extreme. You’ll find sounds like a zip line, boomerang, water gun, laser blaster, futuristic gatling gun, mayhem blasts, and everything in between.
300+ sound effects
198 .wav files
390 GB
24 bit / 96 kHz
embedded meta-data
Check out the metadata sheet for a full list of files and keywords!
Get 25% off!
Our two new releases, Futuristic Weapons and Shopping Carts, are now on sale to celebrate! We’ve also dropped the price of Robotic Creations: Heads Up Display and added a 25% discount in honor of our Futuristic Weapons release. Head over to the sale now!