I’d like to introduce you to our new blog series: “Is It Worth It?” In this series we will be surveying our Boom Box Post team on different audio tools and equipment in hopes to help you decide if the chosen products are worth it or not!

Whether you are a seasoned editor or just entering the world of audio post production, good reliable equipment is necessary for the job! Unfortunately, a lot of the equipment needed for audio post work comes at a big cost. We hope that this series can provide some assistance and insight before you make that next big purchase!

Pro Tools Ultimate

Something every audio professional needs access to is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

In audio post production for TV & Film, Avid Pro Tools is the industry standard. Although it is not cheap, it is an essential purchase in our field of work.

Like most softwares/products nowadays, there are different versions users can choose from! Right now, the top of the line Pro Tools version is Pro Tools Ultimate. Whether you are looking to invest in Pro Tools for the first time, or are a current user looking to upgrade, the price tag of Pro Tools Ultimate can come as a major shock. Starting at $79.99 for a monthly subscription with a 1 year contracted subscription, Pro Tools Ultimate is $50 more expensive every month than the standard version which costs $29.99 a month with a 1 year contracted subscription.

Although it plays a major role, price isn’t the only difference between the standard version of Pro Tools and Pro Tools Ultimate. Like any product/software, the most expensive top tier version also comes with a lot of additional features. Click here to check out all the differences between Pro Tools versions!

If you are in the market for a DAW, and trying to decide between the standard version of Pro Tools or going all out with Pro Tools Ultimate, you are probably wondering, “Is it worth-it?” Well, that is where we come in!

Boom Box Post Team Survey

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Is it worth it?

Here’s what our Boom Box Post editors had to say!

Jessey Drake - Sound Effects Editor / Has Pro Tools Ultimate

1. Why did you opt for Pro Tools Ultimate?

Honestly, most of our shows are in 5.1 here at Boom Box, so having that ability to open/edit sessions in 5.1 and have my session be able to easily “talk” to the rig on the mix stage is paramount to our workflow.

2. Do you think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it? Do you recommend new editors invest in it?

Totally worth it. The features alone are worth the upgrade. I wouldn’t dream about going back to standard PT.

Jacob — Re-Recording Mixer / Has Pro Tools Ultimate

1. Why did you opt for Pro Tools Ultimate?

Pro Tools Ultimate is essential for mixing to picture.  The Standard version allows you to do all of the same automation as Ultimate, but without the capability of working in Surround formats. If there is any possibility of delivering in 5.1 or greater formats, you will need Ultimate.

2. Do you think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it? Do you recommend new editors invest in it?

If you are editing and your work will be mixed in surround, basic left to right panning and other automation will be intact, so it is not essential to use Ultimate in editorial unless your mixer is expecting surround panning.

Ben — Sound Effects Editor / Has Pro Tools Ultimate

1. Why did you opt for Pro Tools Ultimate?

I opted for PT ultimate for a number of reasons that make my sound editing life much easier.  There are things like larger track counts for larger stage sessions, ability to have 5.1 and up tracks for dealing with stems, ability to have multiple videos for doing conforms. Clip FX is another useful feature that I use regularly, it’s a major time saver shortcut tool.

2. Do you think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it? Do you recommend new editors invest in it?

I think ultimate is worth it but not totally necessary. I was able to get by without for some time but it gets to a certain point where is makes your life much easier.  You can easily weigh the options depending on what you need and decide on what’s best for you!

Greg — Sound Effects Editor / Does Not Have Pro Tools Ultimate

1. Why did you opt for the standard version of Pro Tools?

I opted for standard pro tools because the difference in cost vs aspects of PT Ultimate that would be regularly useful to my workflow didn’t quite add up for it to be worthwhile for me personally.

2. Do you have any tips/tricks for working with the standard version of Pro Tools versus working with Pro Tools Ultimate?

The main thing that I needed a work around for was for the occasional times we have 5.1 builds that are rendered to implement in a session, I drop the 6 mono files from the render into a food group of 5 mono tracks designated for those builds which then will be dropped into a 5.1 track upon session assembly

 3. Do you think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it? What is your recommendation!

I think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it for those who would be regularly using its additional features. If you consistently work on projects that are to be cut in 5.1 and require the editorial to be taking surrounds into consideration, for those who regularly work on projects that are multi-reel so would involve importing multiple video files into one session, if you’re going to be doing re-recording mixing or building out massive sessions potentially using more than 256 tracks, using more expansive avid hardware interfaces, etc.

If you won’t be using those more extended/expansive features and will be doing general editing, recording, and working with just mono and stereo elements, regular Pro Tools does the job just fine.

Nate — Dialogue Editor / Does Not Have Pro Tools Ultimate

1. Why did you opt for the regular version of Pro Tools?

I don’t need all the extra bells and whistles for Dialog Editing

2. Do you think Ultimate is worth it? What is your recommendation!

I think it is worth it on the mix stage, but, depending on what type of editorial you need, not necessary.

Do YOU think Pro Tools Ultimate is worth it? Vote below!

Have a product you are interested in purchasing and what to know if we think it is worth it? Leave us a comment and it might be featured in the next worth-it post!

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