An Interview with Mak Kellerman,

sound effects editor, BOOM BOX POST

Sound effects editor Mak Kellerman is our newest addition to the Boom Box Post team.  He received his Bachelor of Science in Audio Production from Middle Tennessee State University, and soon after moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams of working in post-production sound.  After an internship and working as a sound effects editor and foley mixer on feature films, he found his way to us, and we couldn't be happier.  Hee brings a sunny disposition and his dog Bowie with him each day to work.  Here, he shares some of his thoughts with us. 

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a little town in southern Illinois: Waterloo.  

What inspired you to choose post-production sound as a career?

I went to school for music production, and I ended up taking one Sound for Picture class.  Around the same time, I had watched WALL-E for the first time and it was just a mind-blowing experience.  I was like, “Okay, that’s what I want to do."

What are you most excited about in joining the Boom Box team?

Just getting to be creative and work on really cool shows.

What do you like to do outside of work?  

I like to bike.  I’ve gotten really into rock climbing.  And going to the dog park with Bowie [pictured with Makenzie, above].

What is your favorite sound to experience in real life?

I would say the sound of a dry leaf scraping on concrete.  That’s probably my favorite.

What is your favorite sound effect?

I’ve been using a lot of electricity sounds lately.  I’ve really been into those.

What is the strangest thing that you actually like the sound of?

I folded a piece of paper that was in my car into a fan, and then when you hit it on stuff, it made this really great papery hit.  You could hear how crumpled it was.  It’s hard to describe it.

What is your favorite animated movie?

I would say my all time favorite movie is WALL-E.  It’s just a great story and the sound is great.

What is the last book you read?  

Just Kids by Patty Smith.  

If you had to choose to wake up to one of these as your alarm clock sound for the rest of the life, which would you prefer: a chimpanzee scream or a klaxon alarm?

Definitely a chimpanzee scream.  

If Boom Box Post were a color, which color would it be?

It would have to be blue, hands down.  Everything is blue here.  

